What’s new Sunday, Mar 29 2009 

I have been knitting like crazy.  I have made so many socks that I can’t count them all.  I am currently working on the absinthe socks from knitty.com in J.Knits yarn colorway Santa Fe.  I am on the last repeat on the leg, so I will hopefully be binding those off this afternoon.    I recently made a felted bag using this DROPS pattern but also using the chart from this DROPS pattern.


The yarn I used was the yarn called for in the pattern but in the deep red colorway with the chart being done in dark gray.   I joined a swap recently and was very pleased with the package I received.  My knitting night friends and I have been discussing and looking at possum yarn for the past couple of months,  and we’ve wondering what it would be like.    In my swap, my spoiler was from New Zealand, and she sent me possum yarn!  I was so excited with it, I brought it with me to Knit Night and showed it off during show and tell.  Now I can’t wait to make something with it.


It’s been a while Friday, Mar 6 2009 

It really has been a while.  I started this blog along with another one for my DH and me to use to communicate with each other while he was away.  Turned out we never used that one because it was just as easy for him to call, plus the computers there blocked the wordpress site.  I had tried to find one that was obscure enough for “Big Brother” to not really know about it yet.  Alas, no.  Anyway, once that idea went down the drain, I just didn’t post as much on my own personal blog either.  Then the ugly spirits that be knew that my computer man wasn’t around, so both of my PCs crashed about halfway through his deployment, so for the last half of his time away, I was basically without a computer.  I would bum time on my daughter’s when I could, but I always felt like I was taking time away from her doing homework or (more likely) chatting with friends and updating her facebook and MySpace pages.  I tended to not monopolize her computer very much.  She was never sassy or grumpy or ugly about it, the guilt was all in my head.

Ok,  Hubby is back now and has all computers in the house working again.  I have so much knitting that I haven’t photographed much less posted about.  My Dear, Dear Husband saw something online that he just HAD to order for me.  It came in yesterday.  Here are a couple of pics of them.

bag my hubby bought me

bag my hubby bought me

Same bag with a correction made by me

Same bag with a correction made by me

I knit so I don't kill people

I knit so I don't kill people

That has become my mantra at work.

I’ll post again in a few days after I gather together some of my projects and get some pictures.

Good News and Bad News Sunday, May 11 2008 

This is one of those times where “I have some good news and some bad news.” Which do you want first? I’ll go with the good news. I finally gave my dad’s sweater to him! Just in time for summer LOL. He and Mom were both very pleased and impressed with it. Pictures here are of Daddy in his sweater:

And now the BAD NEWS:

Mom told me that she washed her sweater. I had specifically told her when I gave it to her that it was to be dry cleaned or hand washed in cold water only. She put it in the machine and washed it. It shrunk a little bit and is now slightly felted. She is very upset about it because she knows how much work I put into it. So of course I couldn’t be mad about it. I just kind of laughed it off and told her something like, “Oh well, things like that happen.” All the while I was secretly crying inside because I HAD put a lot of work and effort into that sweater. So I told her that Daddy’s sweater is to not get anywhere NEAR water. It needs to be dry cleaned ONLY. I think (if I understand the label correctly) that the Cumo yarn can be hand washed in cold water, but I don’t want her to mess his up too! Oh I really am quite upset over it.

Baby Surprise Jacket Wednesday, May 7 2008 

Okay, my husband’s friend and his wife are having a baby, so my husband asked me if I would make them something. I kind of kicked the idea around for a while because I didn’t want it to take up a whole lot of my time. I mean, I have this delusion that I am going to be able to knit sweaters for my entire extended family for Christmas, so I really don’t have time to even THINK about other stuff. I was in my LYS one day a couple of weeks ago and saw a baby surprise jacket that the owner had made. Well, I fell in LOVE with it, so I got the yarn that I would need for it, and I got the pattern. Then the yarn and the pattern hung around my knitting area for a while because I really didn’t have time to take on a new project. Well, last Friday evening while I was sitting in my area knitting, I was thinking about the fact that I would be going to my LYS the next day. Then I started thinking that I had made such a big deal about how gorgeous the BSJ was and buying the things I needed right away, then I hadn’t even started on it yet. So I started it Friday night. Then I brought it with me Saturday to my LYS and worked on it there. I have been working on it almost exclusively since then – with the exception of the socks that I was trying to finish. Well, I finished the socks Monday and finished the BSJ last night. I am so happy with this project. I mean, it knits up really quickly, it is beautiful, it is easy, and the yarn I used was absolutely a pleasure to work with. (Ornaghi filati 100% cotton)

Here are the funky looking socks (I call them Christmas socks because they are green and red) that I made for my daughter’s roommate.

And here is the Baby Surprise Jacket for my husband’s friends:

Current Projects Monday, Apr 28 2008 

I posted about my current projects the other day, but was unable to post pictures with it because the batteries were dead in my camera. I have since taken those pictures and am now able to post them. First is the puff-sleeved cardigan that I am making for my niece for Christmas.

The color is closer to the true color in the second picture.

Next is the cable trim sweater I am working on for my sister-in-law. It has a beautiful cable rib on the bottom which I have just finished (on the back):

I did more rows of the rib than the pattern called for (some dummy misread the pattern), but it will work out okay because the final measurement will still be the same, and I’ll make sure I do the same amount of cable rib for the front so that it will look as though it was supposed to be that way.

I am also making some socks for my daughter’s roommate. She bought the yarn and sent it to me, so I stopped working on the sweaters and am moving right along on the socks.

I am actually farther along than this now. I have turned the heel and am now working on the foot part. I will update the picture in my next post.

Senior Pictures Thursday, Apr 24 2008 

Thank you to Dina and Carolyn for their suggestions with my picture dilemma.  You were right, Dina, I just needed to try it again after logging out.  Now on to what I was trying to post to begin with:

So my daughter went to have her senior pictures taken the other day. She had to bring 4 outfits to change into, and 2 of the tops she chose were tops that I had knitted for her. I thought I would share my beautiful daughter with you.

Pictures Thursday, Apr 24 2008 

Okay, this is the first time I have tried to insert a picture into a post since wordpress changed the layout.  I cannot figure out how to do it.  I click on the add media: picture link, find my picture, upload, click insert into post, then NOTHING.  What am I doing wrong?  I thought I’d check with you all first.  If none of you can help me, I will go to Support.

Current Projects Tuesday, Apr 22 2008 

What I’m working on now:  (Pictures will come in a future post)

Before I start, let me say that I have decided that I am going to try to knit Christmas gifts for this year.  I was a little concerned about it because I didn’t want to spend all of that time and money working on these projects and have my family not really like them.  So the last time I went back home for a visit, I brought all of my knitting books and announced to my family that I was thinking of doing this, and that if anyone was interested in me making them a sweater for Christmas, here are the books.  My family DEVOURED the books, and I now have sticky notes sticking out of the tops of almost all of my books.  Even my 20 year old nephew was really excited about it and chose a sweater pattern.   So, on that note, my projects:

I am making the puff sleeved cardigan from Fitted Knits for my niece, Hailey.  I am almost embarrassed to say that they yarn I am using for it is an acrylic yarn from Wal-Mart.  It is the Caron Simply Soft yarn, which really is very soft, and it’s a pretty red/kind of burgundy color.  I chose to use this yarn because I am making this as a Christmas gift for my niece, and did not want to spend a fortune on yarn.  The yarn at Wal-Mart comes in the huge skeins and are very cheap, so I can make this sweater, basically, for about $10.  I am really almost finished with this project, and have been working on it for about a week and a half.  I love Fitted Knits because the projects are worked from the top down, so you can really see how they look as you are working and also because, except for a few finishing touches, everything is worked in one piece.  I can definitely see myself making many more items from this book.

I am also making a sweater for my sister-in-law, Rachal (Hailey’s mom).  She chose the Cable Trim Sweater from my Classic Knits for Real Women. (Side note:  I am really disappointed in this book for this reason:  It says it has “versatile knitwear designs for plus sizes,” but the projects only go up to about 46″ bust, which really is not THAT plus.  My SIL is a 52″ bust, so I am making the largest size and using larger needles.  I hope it works out because I will feel HORRIBLE if what I spend that much time working on is too small for her.  If it is, I will have her chose something from Interweave Knits, which I have discovered DO go up into the larger sizes.)  Okay, back to my project.  I have this sweater going at the same time as the Puff Sleeved Cardigan because when I go to spend time at my LYS, I refuse to bring that acrylic Wal-Mart yarn (I am embarrassed about it, remember?)  So I bring the Cable Trim Sweater to work on when I’m visiting at my LYS.  I am using an EXTREMELY SOFT Jo Sharp Aplaca Kid yarn in a kind of off white color, and I love working on it.

When I was visiting my LYS Saturday, the owner told us that she was approached by someone who works for a Hospice Care to maybe try to get some knitters to make socks, hats, and/or lap robes for Hospice patients.  Of course we all jumped at the chance right away.  She told us that she would provide the yarn (although I would have bought the yarn myself and donated the projects) if we would knit some projects.  So I brought home 3 skeins of Berrocco Pure Merino with the intention of making a pair of socks.  I whipped out the socks in a day and a half (getting really good at the sock thing!) and still had an entire skein of the yarn left plus a little bit of the other 2 skeins, so I made a hat too.

For my sister, Stacy, I am making the Lacy and Light Mohair from my Knitting Simple Sweaters from Luxurious Yarns book.  I had cast on and done 1 row of this a couple of months ago then promptly set aside and haven’t touched it yet.  When I finish Hailey’s cardigan, that will be my extra project to work on when I need a little break from Rachal’s sweater.

I have a scarf going which I started after I finished my rolled brim hat.  I loved the yarn so much that I thought it needed a scarf to go with it.  I think it will be a Christmas gift for my nephew Nick’s girlfriend.  (Since she is not actually family, she doesn’t really rate an entire sweater yet, but I don’t want to leave her out, either)

Okay,  my batteries are dead in my camera right now, so they are recharging, and I will post pictures after they are charged.


I have currently started listening to podcasts.  My kids all have ipods and I bought my husband one last Christmas, but I had never got into it.  Lately I have been seeing references to podcasts everywhere I look, so I thought I’d check them out.  So I picked up an ipod that we have here at the house that is not being used by anyone.  I got my daughter to show me how to manage the ipod itself and to find and download podcasts.  Of course I went straight to knitting.  I have a few comments.  I will not say which podcasts I have listened to, but I must say that I am not really impressed with them.  I expected people talking about knitting – what they are knitting, different types of yarn, patterns, etc. – but most of what I am hearing is people talking about their lives, their kids, what they did this past week (not necessarily having anything to do with knitting), and they throw in a couple of comments about something they are working on (like, “so while I was waiting 6 hours in the emergency room for my daughter’s gash on her chin to be of a high enough priority for us to be seen, I worked on the clapotis I have been putting off working on”)  Don’t get me wrong, not all podcasts I have heard have been like this, but really, for a lot of them it is like just listening to people talk about their mundane lives.  I’m downloading KNITTING podcasts in order to hear people talk about KNITTING.  I have heard a few of them that I was impressed with; they talked about knitting projects and yarn and patterns.  Do any of you have any suggestions?  I don’t know if I’m not doing it right or I just don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking for, but seriously.

My Dad’s Sweater Friday, Apr 4 2008 

I finally finished the sweater for my dad.  Here are pictures of said sweater.  I am the one wearing the sweater, so it is huge on me but should fit my dad (I hope!)

013.jpg  014.jpg 015.jpg 016.jpg

FINISHED SOCK!!!!! Sunday, Mar 9 2008 

I finished my first sock tonight! I am so excited about it! Check it out:


This is after I got the heel turned. (Thank you Joan at Knits by Nana!)



And the finished product: TA DA:

sock-06.jpg sock-08.jpg sock-07.jpg

I am so pleased with myself right now I can hardly stand it. Now I have to go finish the other one.

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